Tuesday, September 14, 2010

French Braiding

I realy love the look of a french braid and always wanted to know how to do it myself. I went on youtube  yesterday and watched some tutorial video's on how to french braid. So today i tried to attempt a side french braid, a few attempts later i got my hair style for the day. Still practicing with it, hope to get a little better!



  1. I love the side french braid you did and I LOVE french braids in general too I also went on you tube and did a self tutorial and gosh it's still so hard for me to do my arms get super tired! Aunt Julie is the pro at it! Keep practicing looks like you're having more luck than I did

  2. Thanks (: I know Aunt Julie is crazy good at it! I think it is hard to do it on yourself though rather doing on someone else.

  3. It looks beautiful!!! It is much easier to braid someone else's hair rather than your own. I have recently tried to French braid my hair into one braid down the back, it is hard to make it look good. It takes a lot of practice to do it on yourself! And, like Rashelle, my arms want to say, "STOP! Enough, already!!!"
    I think Aunt Julie's advice is good...your hair will hold together a little better if it is a little wet or damp! :)
    p.s. I sent you and Rashelle an email with a few photos from my bday party...:)
