Sunday, August 15, 2010

Camping With The Family

Saturday James and i went to Medieros reservoir camping site with my family, we spent the day there but we did check into a motel for the night because i knew i couldn't rough it for the night. Pregnancy and camping for the night didn't seem like a good combination. I knew my bladder and back couldn't take it! But it was a nice day with the family, and was glad we all could spend time together (:

Daddy the Master of the bbq (:

Roasting marshmallows



  1. We are so glad you guys were able to come up and spend some time with us. It was such fun!
    The kids were thrilled too! Thanks for joining us!
    These photos look a little more vintage than the originals. Almost adding a little dark halo around them (from taking them with my cell). They turned out pretty cute! :)
    Hope you are having a wonderful day!
    Love you Sweetie,
    Mom @}~`}~~~

  2. Aw how cool looks like you guys had a great time!
