Monday, June 27, 2011

Blueberries In The Morning...

I have been lately very creative with my food processer and trying to figure out new things for Sophie to eat. She has been really enjoying blueberries for breakfast, sometimes I will add a little yogurt and oatmeal.

                                                Today marked a milestone I gave her some broccilli and cheese, but it was her first finger foods. She loved it and being able to feed herself was such a joy for her! It was very messy but well worth it just to see the happiness it brought her :)



  1. Awww...thanks for sharing these precious moments with us! I miss you guys & my sweet granddaughter, looking forward to seeing you very soon! You are a darling and we love you, we thank God for you....:)

    xoxo...Mom (& Grandma)

    p.s. What a cute shot of her showing her first two teeth on the sidebar here. Love all of your beautiful photos!!

  2. How sweet! You can tell she is just so happy about all the new foods she is experiencing! That's awesome that you are making your own foods for her! Love ya! XOXO
